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America Valdin
VITA Coordinator
America is a first-generation college graduate hoping to participate in impactful work that benefits local, marginalized communities. Growing up in a low-income environment, she understands the challenges of attaining economic stability and accessing essential resources. She has received dual degrees from the University of California, Riverside in Public Policy and Sustainability Studies. She hopes to focus her work on health and environmental disparities often present in low-income communities.
In her most recent role at UCR’s Center for Social Innovation, she participated in work alongside Inland Empire communities, embracing civic leadership and policy innovation. In her new role as VITA Coordinator, America aims to apply her skillset to provide LMI (low to moderate-income) individuals with free tax assistance. Through her personal experiences and educational endeavors, she recognizes the need for these resources in marginalized communities.
In her leisure time, she indulges in the natural beauty that California has to offer and loves trying new vegan restaurants. Additionally, she recently embarked on a digital journal documenting her journey towards sustainability.